A well-written summary of our paper in Open Forum Infectious Diseases about mRNA COVID-19 vaccination of adults in the setting of natural immunity
Thank you to Justin Hart
Below is an outstanding summary by Justin Hart of our research group’s most recent publication in Open Forum Infections Diseases.
A very talented, curious & hard working group of scientists from Austria as well as the amazing John Ioannidis, and I analyzed Austria’s Epidemiologisches Meldesystem data from nearly 500,000 adults in Austria
with evidence of previous covid infection by July 3rd of 2021.
Outcomes included COVID-19 death, non-COVID-19 death and reinfection by vaccination status. Indeed, the overall societal utility/net benefit of mass vaccination with 2 mRNA vaccinations should be questioned. We found risk of death from/with COVID-19 in this group to be exceedingly low, vaccination benefits vs death from COVID-19 were suggested but also unclear given underlying differences in the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations (healthy vaccinee bias being the most noteworthy) and possible misattribution of COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death (when death my have been “with” Covid). A proper risk benefit analysis of cost effectiveness analysis of the initial mRNA vaccine series has never been performed in adults previously infected with COVID-19. I hope you enjoy Justin Hart‘s summary (click on image below) and our publication is here: https://academic.oup.com/ofid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ofid/ofae547/7762144?login=false
Also, here was my summary on X
Lastly, thanks to Hot Pink Fun Run in Roseville! I was 1st female and second overall at their 5k today (I’m the one w/the pink shorts). It truly was fun. So happy my 13 year old son talked me into it! After Covid we need more participation at community events like this!!
Running song of the day:
410 by Sidhu Moose Wala & Sunny Malton. Please at least wait until the 2nd minute when Sidhu starts rapping in Punjabi. It’s the best (and his death at such a young age such a tragedy; a story worth reading about if you don’t know it).
An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services
Your Top 8 Wildest Claims and Why Your Dangerous Pseudoscience Has No Place in Public Health
Interesting that the cost of COVID vaccination is measured in monetary terms, chits of paper that the government prints at will.