I sense that the CDC is still looking for ways to illustrate the risk of getting COVID. Long COVID is one of those diagnoses that allow them to keep the hype high so they maintain another brick in the foundation for vaccines. I think we can all see that in the US especially there’s an truly inexplicable need to push the vaccines into the whole population regardless of age or health status. They need the hype. They need Long COVID as part of that fear machine.

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In New Zealand I met people with 'long covid'. All are vaccinated with at least 3 Pfizers. Never had a positive Covid test. Diagnosis was done based on symptoms - shortness of breath after exercise, fatigue, lack of motivation. Thank you for you paper. Those people do need help, but first they do need a proper diagnosis.

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Are these media people the same ones who tell the public to mask children, stay home for safety, be sure to get their new untested booster? Are these the same people who agree disinformation is an issue and doctors should be censored? Why would they be open to science that contradicts the government?

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A very important paper that needs to be, and must be, widely read by lay folks especially. It is lucid, crisp, and concise. Even I can understand its message — despite having been educated in places other than the vaunted Ivy League institutions.

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Great to see this research on Long Covid diagnosis and case definition issues. Are you planning a similar paper on the Covid "case definition" and related data chain issues stemming from an overly broad case definition from CSTE/CDC for Covid? This is in my view the original sin of the massively exaggerated data chain that was the pandemic. https://tamhunt.medium.com/how-covid-19-stats-are-grossly-exaggerated-a-brief-summary-of-the-arguments-53a5b4237c4c

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