Pfizer Process 2: Vax in trials vs vax in public vials
Podcast show notes w references from our discussion w/Retsef Levi & Joshua Guetzkow
It was such an honor to showcase the findings and intelligence of Drs. Retsef Levi and Joshua Guetzkow on Christine’s and my show, Sensibly Curious about Vaccines.
Now that the YouTube views are at 107k view (or as I like to say 0.107 mill!) it’s time for some serious show notes. (I finally got cred from my 12 year old for this many views… of course all thanks to the guests, Christine & the topic; it was my 1st time being the official host and there’s lots of room for improvement)
Retsef Levi, PhD is from Israel and studies mathematics at Tel Aviv University, spent 12 years in the Israeli Defense Forces, went to Cornell for a PhD in Research Operations, is full Professor and runs a lab at MIT in the School of Management. Tracy & Retsef met at the Academy for Science & Academic Freedom conference in D.C in 2022.
Josh Guetzkow is from California, went to Berkeley and studied Sociology and obtained his PhD in Sociology from Princeton. He then went to Harvard for post-doc worked with Nikolas Christakis. He is currently an Associate Professor at Hebrew University in Tel Aviv. Tracy & Josh connected over X. It’s a wonderful platform for research collaboration!
Retsef and Josh’s letter to BMJ about Process 2 vs process 1. “Evidence from existing research and trial documents highlights the importance of publicly disclosing the analysis comparing reactogenicity and safety of process 1 and 2 batches as specified in the trial protocol, and more generally patient-level batch and lot data from the trial.”
mRNA cardiac side adverse events
Retsef’s team’s publication in Scientific Reports finding a 25% increase cardiac & cardiac arrest emergency calls in Israel following the Pfizer vaccine rollout.
Korean myocarditis and sudden cardiac death study with autopsies; 21 total deaths, 8 SCS with autopsy proven myocarditis post-vaccination. UK self-controlled case series study.
My team’s pre-print publication (now published in EJCI) from August of 2021 on post-vaccination myocarditis in adolescents released while the CDC provided vast underestimates of how common it was and insisted both doses had benefits that outweighed the risks in all circumstances. We found the harms of dose 2 to outweigh the potential benefits over 120 days in non high risk adolescent males when adjusting for incidental hospitalizations and this was pre-omicron and assuming no natural immunity.
Process 1 vs 2
Pfizer original clinical trial publication in NEJM. Around 22,000 participants got the vaccine. 252 received process 2.
Outline of who received process 2 vs process 1.
Adverse events in process 1 vs process 2 from the original trial
Process 3 Pfizer was with Tris buffer, which Moderna had used all along. Moderna also used process 2 all along, but were able to remove more of the DNA plasmids and had no SV40 promoter in the DNA according to Kevin McKernan.
If anyone knows for sure what the 150 and 568 in the center of the circles represents please let me know. A friend suggested it may be total # of AEs with some participants reporting multiple.
Josh’s X thread on the process switch.
Josh's substack on CDC’s VAERS safety monitoring of the mRNA Covid vaccines.
The Ontario Preprint by Speicher et al showing plasmid DNA with SV40 promoter-enhancer ori in Pfizer mRNA vaccines. Moderna did not have SV40 promoter. Reporting higher AEs with batch number that had higher DNA plasmid concentrations.
Simian Virus (SV)40 was initially in polio vaccine.
Pandemrix vaccine safety & what we knew when by Peter Doshi. The whole article is brilliant, including the part about reassurance from Fauci)
Cutter incident (polio vaccine in Berkeley CA contained live infectious virus). Of note, being a PM&R doc in California, I have personally treated a patient with post-polio syndrome from this vaccine.
Turtles All the Way Down by anonymous, mentioned by Josh.
Postmarketing surveillance
Pfizer’s initial 4,000 person study of their vaccine’s safety in pregnant women only recruited
The study of only 683 women is complete but results haven’t been reported to the public.
Two studies required by FDA upon vaccine approval on subclinical myocarditis where the results have not been reported to the public.
and Moderna.
Pfizer deletes SV40 promoter info from plasmid map given to the EMA. EMA does not double check DNA sequence. Health Canada just did and verify SV40 promoter is in the Pfizer vaccine.
Kevin McKernan explains how he knows Pfizer deleted the SV40 information
Dr. Guetzkow's paper on censorship and suppression of scientists and doctors who raise safety concerns about vaccines.
What did I miss? I will try to add what people note I am missing. I did not go back and listen again so this was just from what I remembered.
Also, let us know who you would like us to invite as our next guest/s. We can cover any topic about any vaccine.
Where do you like to run this time of year? Here is a nice trail up to the Tahoe Rim Trail in Tahoe Vista
& Here’s a great Swedish song “Ett fel närmare rätt” (one mistake closer to correct) by Den Svenska Björnstammen (The Swedish bear clan)
Great video Tracey!
Check out the song "Ain't no rock and roll" about how the music rebels/activist heroes sold is out.
Process 1 or 2, it is completely irrelevant. It’s like “Do you want to be shot or hanged? Choose wisely, you know, shooting is loud, it may harm your hearing.” Whatever name you give to it, the end result is the same. We don’t know what is there in the vial - we know it is different from what was advertised. We don’t know how it operates - we know that it works completely different to what we were told. We don’t know the antidote - we know that have no idea how to stop its effect, detox it or neutralize it.
The very principle of operation of that thing was obvious from the start, and all those commenting or analyzing the vial seem to have forgotten it. The active ingredient, aka spike protein, is the key harming agent - it has always been so and the whole story was sold under this heading. One day, a genius “scientist” woke up and said, “Let’s do it, let’s inject this toxin, we’ll tell them their body will protect itself against it” - one of the key unproven theories of immunology. It was not enough. The genius added, “Let’s repeat this intoxination as often as we can, why not? It will progressively weaken the victim, so what.” It was not enough. The genius painted their dream: “Let’s inject them with whatever we have in stock, we’ll sell it as selective products against particular diseases.” And they are doing it under the false pretenses of “most Responsive Neutralizing Agonizing technology”.
But their greatest success is that they have managed to hypnotize truly brilliant minds into continuous analyzing of this thing. You will talk about, write about it, discuss it, quarrel about it, draw cute charts, compile slide decks, sell bestseller books, organize conferences, broadcast podcasts - all in self-love of “Me, I know what this is about, I will tell you all.” It’s all empty and vain effort. It won’t change anything. As we can see from “their” actions, the medical harm infliction campaign continues and gathers momentum. The killer technology has metastasized, targeting more defense mechanisms of the body, commonly called “diseases”. Obedient lawyers work long nights to make sure we won’t have a say ever.
But we are happily discussing Process 1 or 2.